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Asia – the future backbone of the Catholic Church?

Fr. Julian Fernandes SJ, former Provincial of South Asia and Regional Assistent to the General of the Jesuits talks about the latest trends of the Church in Asia. He will give insights in the work of the Jesuits with a focus on India and its challenges. He will discuss his outlook for the future based on his long experience in India and in Rome.P. J. Fernandes hat in Innsbruck studiert und spricht Deutsch.

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Die Geschichte der Altkalksburger-Vereinigung

Erzählungen, Diskussionen & AnekdotenDr. Hannes Rotter (MJ 55), DI Peter Rossek (MJ 62), OStR Mag. Jörg Schmid (MJ 60), Mag. Klaus Daubeck (MJ 68)
Diskussionsleiter Mag. Hans Hammerschmied (MJ 71)

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